Righteousness vs Sin Resources

Some Cayce quotes to get you started:

For the try - the TRY - is the righteousness in materiality. For God looks on the purpose and not as man counts righteousness.  (880-2)

For, it is the willingness, the desire, the try that is counted in the righteousness of each  entity, each soul.   (69-4)

So, too, may each individual be active in principle, in purpose, being sincere, being direct.  Thus may the individual gain the greater working knowledge of that which is righteous, versus that which is sin.  Then, let each be not slothful, not putting off, not unmindful that ye must be up and doing; working, BUSY at that which is to thee, NOW, TODAY, that as thy conscience directs thee to do; in sincere, direct manner.  And ye may be sure He counts that try as righteousness; and the sin that may appear to self or to others is but upon the reverse - which is righteousness.  (262-126)

For, while selflessness is the law, to belittle self is a form of selfishness and not selfless. (2803-2)

You only fail if you quit trying. The trying is oft counted for righteousness. Remember as He has given, "I do not condemn thee." Go be patient, be kind, and the Lord be with thee!  (3292-1)

To not know, but do the best as is known, felt, experienced in self, to him it is counted as righteousness.  (1728-2)

Who gains by being forgiven and by forgiving? The one that forgives is lord even of him that he forgives.   (585-2)

Be not overcome with those things that make for discouragements, for He will supply the strength. Lean upon the arm of the Divine within thee, giving not place to thoughts of vengeance or discouragements. Give not vent to those things that create prejudice. And, most of all, be unselfish! For selfishness is sin, before first thine self, then thine neighbor and thy God.  (254-8)

... for being afraid is the first consciousness of sin's entering in, for he that is made afraid has lost consciousness of self's own heritage with the Son; for we are heirs through Him to that Kingdom that is beyond all that that would make afraid, or that would cause a doubt in the heart of any.  (243-10)

For we grow in grace by applying grace and mercy - and in understanding as we try to understand. For it is the try, the attempt, that is the righteousness of man. Not by any deed or act, but "by the fruits ye shall know them."   (1598-1)